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[Cob] Re: Rocket stove questionphil phawn1 at excite.comThu Dec 30 11:55:26 CST 2004
I have to cob ovens, one well used and now retired the other brandnew and basically untested for baking. What I have found i sthat they both require about 4 hours of good firing to sufficiently charge. Any less and baking is chancy. The first oven was really too small to bake effectively in but the new oven is three times as big and promises to have long bake time. The new oven does have a cob door, about five inches thick, that I formed to fit the opening. It also acts as a firing door. I hope to have pictures of it up soon. The mason that works with our group told me that it wasn't safe to share chimineys because of the potential of deadly gasses backing up. Surely this only applies if you have two seperate heating devices and are only using one at a time. I don't think that would apply to what you are suggesting. Phil Hawn, President The North Carolina Natural Building Coalition cob, strawbale, cordwood and other sustainable earthbuilding techniques --- On Thu 12/30, < Raduazo at > wrote: From: [mailto: Raduazo at] To: coblist at Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:58:32 EST Subject: [Cob] Re: Rocket stove question Has any one ever heard of a cob oven attached to the stack of a rocket ....? _______________________________________________ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!