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[Cob] cob Testing, testingAmanda Peck ap615 at hotmail.comMon Dec 13 21:28:31 CST 2004
If the guy from mindspring/earthlink wanted to get test mail, he didn't get mine. But this may explain what the #$&**()}{!~# is the problem with Paul's not getting coblist mail. I think it's another list that I have to REPEATEDLY add my own name and hotmail email address to the hotmail safe list. WHich is. (there is a kitten helping me write!) totally ridiculous. .......................... This is an automatic reply to your email message to cowartg at This email address is protected by EarthLink spamBlocker. Your email message has been redirected to a "suspect email" folder for cowartg at In order for your message to be moved to this recipient's Inbox, he or she must add your email address to a list of allowed senders. Click the link below to request that cowartg at add you to this list.