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[Cob] reinforcing!!Dognyard dognyard at stockroom.caMon Nov 22 09:46:59 CST 2004
Cob is different from rammed earth. Rammed earth already has, as far as I know, some building codes regarding renforcing in both California and British Columbia, Canada. It is used extensively in Australia as well. Yes, they ram around rebar, and they use a concrete bond beam. Different kettle of fish to cob, and a different means of construction, and usually, a very different home design. You can make squarish corners with rammed earth...mostly you would want to avoid that with cob I think, and cob homes are generally more curvatious...the curving walls give the home it's stability. Here is a site on rammed earth from BC, Canada. They are friendly folks, and will answer questions if you email them. Here's a site on rammed earth from California: Also, a group in British Columbia have been doing shake tests on cob construction. I don't have that link handy...can someone post it again? Karen Clouston