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[Cob] How warm must it be to work?Peter Kaulback peter at thesilverwheel.caSat Oct 23 11:29:52 CDT 2004
I am finishing my cob oven (finally, I never thought I would not have the time!) and the nights are coolish (2-9 degrees C). For my insulating layer to set properly, what daytime or nighttime temperature range will work best for it? I thought I would have to work with my heavy clay soil and add a LOT of sand but I found some great sand heavy soil near a local creek, so I get to haul buckets of it to my oven site. I'm trying not to spend too much money on the oven, using materials around the farm and from neighbours, the firebrick is the only thing that I have to pay cash for. It may take a lot of time, but I like it, it reminds me of working with sourdough. Very enjoyable and relaxing. Maybe something more restive around the oven next spring :) Peter Kaulback -- -- I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)