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[Cob] blueprintsJBurn48309 at JBurn48309 at aol.comWed Sep 15 01:40:01 CDT 2004
I, too, could use some help with this. There is a Home Depot nearby. My plan is to sketch everything out then ask Home Depot to prepare the blueprints. This is a new service that I saw advertised there -- blueprints for around $300 where you do the finishing work yourself which is exactly what I want. joyce In a message dated 9/14/2004 10:26:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, greg <watchman at> writes: >the city i live in requires a blueprint of what we want to build before >we can get permits. how does one put together a set of blueprints >for a cob house? >_______________________________________________ >Coblist mailing list >Coblist at > >