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[Cob] European Cobbers?

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Sun Aug 8 10:27:46 CDT 2004

Seems like there have been mentions a time or two of some things in Eastern 
Europe (was somebody trying to organize a colloquium recently?).  You might 
see if you can find a copy of the British magazine "Permaculture" they 
sometimes have small ads and listings for courses and workshops.

The only link I know to give for European  schools is in Ireland--most of 
their building courses are through for the year (but last April they had 
Evans and Smiley!  and furthermore the associated bookstore--Walnut 
Books--is going to stay open):

Robert writes:
I am planning a cob cottage for my farm here in Southern Spain (Sierra
Nevada).  Are there any European/Spanish cobers on this list? Are there
any good workshops in the UK/Spain/Europe?

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