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[Cob] cob and adobe "Ianto says"Amanda Peck ap615 at hotmail.comSat Jul 31 09:02:32 CDT 2004
Clay/sand/(and at least sometimes?) straw formed into bricks which are dried and then mortared into place when dry is called adobe. Clay/sand/straw mashed well into the previous course when it's still wet is cob. Over the years, "Ianto says," the sand content has risen. Too much sand, it falls apart. Too much clay, it shrinks and cracks. But the "it's fine" proportions seem to be pretty variable. One problem can be that the wall itself has already dried too much. In the southeast and Pacific northwest we are likely to have the opposite problem. But in New Mexico, at least sometimes they do. That may be why adobe instead of cob evolved in the desert areas of the southwest. I'd bet that all the ancient cob houses still used as houses have been retrofitted with what the British call "mod cons"--modern conveiences like running water and fuel for heating and cooking that doesn't involve an open fire staining the rafters black. As I would suspect do most of the old adobe churches. Although lights may be the most valued of the mod cons there. (I read too many British mystery stories--so occasionally a phrase sticks with me) The Hand Sculpted House by Evans, Smiley, and Smith is pretty overwhelming when one first reads it. So much so that we tend for some time afterwards to start sentences with "Ianto says." Having, at times, disconnected our critical facilities. Sometimes even making up "Ianto says" statements to suit us. Which doesn't mean that the book isn't valuable, informative, worth buying so that it can be read again and again. ............ Paul responds to me: >I wonder if the more experienced people on the list think that your >clay/sand mixture is OK. A clay/sand mixture is called adobe. _________________________________________________________________ Overwhelmed by debt? Find out how to Dig Yourself Out of Debt from MSN Money.