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RE: [Cob] oops...

drb at drb at
Fri Jul 30 13:06:51 CDT 2004

Great pics.  Thanks.

Is it just me?  I hadn't thought of a rocket stove built from masonary materials.  I've only seen pics of them built from metal cans.  Sure seems to solve the problem of the can's much shorter life.

Looks like it works quite well.

>----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
>From: anenhaienton at
>To: coblist at
>Sent: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 -0400 (EDT) 01:00:21
>Whoops, hit enter before finishing...
>Anyways, I scavenged my brick from an old farm
>near by and built my first rocket stove which I
>to incorporate into my addition once I work out all
>the bugs and play with it for a while. You can find
>photos here
>    I hope to build a cob bench or perhaps a bed
>heat it with the rocket. I will post pics as I
>progress, as of yet I have only begun digging the
>foundation and aquiring all the materials I need.
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