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[Cob] strawbale, geodesic domes, and igloosGlobalCirclenet webmaster at globalcircle.netThu Jul 22 13:37:45 CDT 2004
Which raises the inevitable question: how on earth would you keep moisture out of the strawbales when you plaster it with cob inside and out? paul at *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 7/22/2004 at 7:09 AM Shannon C. Dealy wrote: >On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Jonathan Walther wrote: > >[snip] >> People should leave the invective out, but I have been wondering for a >> long time about how straw bale compares to cob. > >There isn't that much to a comparison: > > Strawbale is: faster to build with, much better insulation, > provides moderate thermal mass, structurally weaker, and > has settling issues that must be dealt with. > > Cob is: stronger, more sculptural, provides great thermal > mass, slower to build with, and very poor insulation, > >[snip] >> are we so invested in cob that straw bale can't be considered? > >Frankly, yes we are. This is the cob list, there is a strawbale list for >those who want to discuss strawbale. It is however permissible to discuss >building combined cob/strawbale buildings on this list, but strawbale >specific questions should be addressed to the strawbale list whose >location I posted in my last message. > >[snip] >> Actually, I have been wondering if igloo style roofing couldn't be done >> with straw bale. Cut the straw bales to the right size and shape, and >> stack them up in a spiral to form a dome roof. Great insulation. Any >> thoughts? > >This would be better addressed to the strawbale list, because it is not >about cob, and because you are far more likely to find people who might >have tried something like this on that list rather than this one. > > > >Shannon C. Dealy | DeaTech Research Inc. >dealy at | - Custom Software Development - > | Embedded Systems, Real-time, Device Drivers >Phone: (800) 467-5820 | Networking, Scientific & Engineering Applications > or: (541) 929-4089 | > > >_______________________________________________ >Coblist mailing list >Coblist at >