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[Cob] Straw bales vs ?GlobalCirclenet webmaster at globalcircle.netMon Jul 19 10:53:47 CDT 2004
Alfalfa and weeds aren't used for strawbale. The reason straw is used is it's dry and it lacks the compounds in seeds and leaves that easily decompose and mold. A storage shed is probably the only good use for any bales. The strawbale fad is wildly impractical for a house because 80% of heat loss is through the ceiling, and that's not counting doors and windows which you can't do without. You have to use regular insulation for the roof. And then you must seal walls inside and out with plaster of some sort and keep it maintained indefinitely so cracks don't let in moisture and start mold. Or you get sick building syndrome. Strawbale done properly and safely costs as much as stick built with regular insulation. paul at *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 7/19/2004 at 8:11 AM PJ Benet-Davis wrote: >I recently contacted a rancher located close to my place in Northern >California as he was advertising bales of his first cut alfalfa and other >grasses for sale. When I told him that I wanted to use the bales as a >building medium, he said that if that were the case, if I could wait until >next year, he would bale up his field clearing (weeds and grasses) and >would charge me only for the bailing. As it is, he is only charging $1.00 >a bale, provided you go get the bales, which are in the field. > >My question is this: given the fact that temperatures range from a very >occasional > -20 (winter) to 110 F (summer) and once a year at most, is there any >reason why I should hold out for real straw bales? The first thing I want >to build is a storage shed. Can I use these bales for something like this? > >While I realize that the R-factor for straw is better than for weeds >(hollow stems versus solid/pithy stems), if I can get bales for a great >deal less, and plan to cob over them (and possibly field stone over that) >for a dwelling, and have a reliable heat source, should I not take >advantage of the weed bales for that project as well? I do not believe >that the weeds themselves would present any problem as to reseeding >themselves as, for the most part, they would not yet have gone to seed. >Also, my motto is, "Used and Recycled, Cheap and Free". Please be so kind >as to give my your thoughts. Thank you. > > > >PJ Benet-Davis >Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges >213.443.3290 >pjbenetdavis at > > > > >_______________________________________________ >Coblist mailing list >Coblist at >