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[Cob] Re: Second Natural Building colloquium of the east (Cob)Mark Piepkorn duckchow at potkettleblack.comThu Jul 8 08:32:46 CDT 2004
I posted a quickly-assembled temporary page of digital snaps with half-done captions from the Colloquium. The film shots haven't been processed yet. Eventually it will be expanded and spread out over a few pages in consideration of low-speed connections. Thinking back, I don't think I got any pictures of Ed, one of my favorite people in the natural building movement. I hope Sarah did. There are a couple shots with Ianto in 'em. I second Ed's sentiments below. Mark At 10:12 PM 7/4/2004, Raduazo at wrote: > I just got back from The Second National Building Colloquium of the > East in Bath New York, and it was fabulous. > It was a gathering of like minded individuals unlike any that I have > seen. The love and energy that flowed back and forth among the community > and the Peace Weavers was unbelievable. I found myself crying tears of > joy several times each day. > There were so many natural building projects going on that it was > difficult to take it all in. The straw bale meeting house went from > foundation to roof in a week. > A slip-straw building went up just as fast with demonstrations of > several ways of making slip straw. > The posts and beams of a post and beam structure were lifted into > place, bale walls were in-filled and we got a demonstration of spraying a > clay-straw mixture with a gunite arrangement. > We built a straw bale round house in two days, completed a dragon > oven, a children's playhouse and made a substantial beginning on a > cordwood sauna. > Rob Roy demonstrated moving a one ton rock into place on the shores > of the pond. We sang and danced and beat drums and had one heck of a good time. > There were no cob structures so I helped build the stone foundation > of the oven, pour the foundation of the sauna, did my family fun wattle > and daub birdhouse class, took over the cordwood sauna for a couple of > days, did a bamboo demonstration, concentrated on manufacturing slip for > the other projects and taught classes on screening and hydrating clay. > (The clay that we got was from a seam in a rock quarry and it was very > dense and difficult to hydrate.) > Ianto was there with his slide show and a demonstration of his rocket > stove, and I think there will be a cob project coming soon (Perhaps for > the next colloquium). If not the sauna calls for a cob wall and they need > a cob enclosure for the generators. I will be back, and I think everyone > there agreed that this is going to be the home of the Third National > Building Colloquium-East and perhaps many more. I certainly hope so. > It should be noted that you learn a lot by showing up early and/or > staying late to these things. For example you get to build the > foundations, and cover roofs. And, you get a discount on the fee besides. > This is something to keep in mind for future colloquiums. > I hope to see a lot of you at the next colloquium. You will not > regret it. >Ed