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[Cob] roofing ideaDavid Knowlton pilot1ab80 at hotmail.comFri Jul 2 15:33:26 CDT 2004
pick a hardwood and cut your own shingles. labor intensive, but functional and attractive if you do it right. the vikings carved gorgeous shaped shingles for their stave churches. log cabins in the states had cut shingles that worked well. good luck. i still want copper............ (at least i didn't say lead!!) >From: "Marlin" <lightearth at> >To: tms at,cfgraham at >CC: coblist at >Subject: RE: Re: [Cob] roofing idea >Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2004 14:08:22 -0400 > >I would like to hear (maybe this has been discussed but I missed it) what >ideas are about roofing solutions for Natural Building. It appears to be >one of the toughest places to find 'perfect' solutions that are: > >1) local/natural materials >2) not highly manufactured (homemade if possible) >3) work in cold/wet climates >4) aren't incredibly heavy to require an enormous superstructure (heavy is >relative) >5) last for a long time and/or are easy to replace and recycle >6) fit an architectural beauty standard that many people would find >beautiful/timeless (a lot of 'natural building' can be seen by the normies >as looking weird) > >I'm sure ALL of those standards will stir up some hornets on this list! > >Walls seem to be able to be made that fit all of these (heavy isn't an >issue for walls as much) but foundations and roofs have always been >tougher.. > >Marlin Nissen > > > info at >"There are solutions to the major problems of our time, some of them even >simple. But they require a radical shift in our perceptions, our thinking, >and our values." > - [Fritjof Capra] > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: Charmaine Taylor <tms at> >Sent: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 10:45:04 -0700 >To: "Grahams" <cfgraham at> >Cc: coblist at >Subject: Re: [Cob] roofing idea > >Caroline --Roofing with the 1time use aluminum plates printers throw away >has been suggested, as are flipping the used liscense plates over to the >silver side and nailing them up. Dan Phillips, a creative builder in TX >uses them as siding, > >and I have seen images of them used as siding also in the book Rural Studio >by Sam Mockabee. > >Charmaine Taylor Publishing books at >PO Box 375 Cutten CA 95534 707-441-1632 > > > >On Jul 2, 2004, at 9:41 AM, Grahams wrote: > >>Roofing seems to me to be one of the biggest expenses and most difficult >>tasks. I I thought I heard of someone making a roof out of aluminum >>cans...anyone know about that? (Itseems like it would be LOTS of effort.) >> >>Caroline >>_ > > >_______________________________________________ >Coblist mailing list >Coblist at > > > > >_______________________________________________ >Coblist mailing list >Coblist at > _________________________________________________________________ Get tips for maintaining your PC, notebook accessories and reviews in Technology 101.