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[Cob] Mould on cob wallJane Mondrup jane at kirstinelund.dkThu Jul 1 10:51:55 CDT 2004
We have been building a small cob house for some months now, and will soon be finished. For the last week or two it has been raining quite heavily, and now some of the cob has begun to go mouldy - just a little bit on the surface, but still, I do not like it. Moreover, some seeds from the straw has begun to germinate. Does anyone know if these things are a problem? And if so, is there something to do about it? We are building under a roof so it doesn't rain directly on the cob, but the air has been humid and not very warm - around 15 degrees celtigrade which is a bit cool for late june, but not unusual. We are planning to build a dwelling house next summer (we have just gotten our permit), so if there is any serious problems with cob and the (often) wet danish summers it would be nice to know about it beforehand.