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[Cob] cob/earth oven form- over stove?

Charmaine Taylor tms at
Tue Jun 29 11:30:15 CDT 2004

On Jun 29, 2004, at 8:28 AM, Dognyard wrote:

>  Ukrainian settlers in this are used woven willow forms covered with a
> form of cob not only to make ovens, but to make the chimneys as well.
> Not something I would try in this day and age, but it's food for 
> thought.
> Karen in Alberta

In a John Vivian book on Wood Heat he shows drawings of such a 
chimney/fireplace. it is called a "cattie" and  is built up log cabin 
style thick  branches at the bottom with the thinner branches tapering 
up in a  criss cross style completely covered in cob inside and out. a 
very thick wattle & daub look.

I alwas thought this was a great idea for a no cost chimney as the clay 
acts like a cob oven and nothing can burn.  even if the branches do 
decompose/wither, the cob is a solid mass by that stone.

As a side note I was given a crappy cracked cheap wood burning  boxy 
stove, and was thinking of just cobing over all of it, including the  
flue pipe, leaving only the metal doo and the small  circular plates in 
the top as openinging.

has anyone cobbed over such a metal frame/stove?  Since the cob won't 
stick to the metal I was planning to just masivley enclose it from the 
ground up so no legs or base is seen. basically ignoring the metal and 
just enveloping it in cob  tips?
Charmaine Taylor Publishing  books at
PO Box 375 Cutten CA   95534 707-441-1632