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[Cob] cob paving?Steve Ringering ringersa at pa1.ah.orgWed Jun 2 05:34:48 CDT 2004
I've been so fortunate to receive the coblist these past several months and I finally have a contribution(?). Up until this year the Oregon Coast Aquarium had an earthen, broad walkway leading to their front door. It is bordered by 12" sq pavers on each side and as much as about 24' wide an the hard packed surface was thinly covered with finely crushed rock. I was so very proud of them for using such an earth friendly medium for this very prominent "boulevard". When I returned with my family for a visit this May I was disgusted to find that BLACKTOP had replaced that lovely "green" work of art. OK, now to my idea... I am today going to make (start) a pathway of earthfriendly materials to connect my home and my parents home (30ft long and three feet (average ) in width). 1-2" of gravel to grade and provide drainage from a micro climate that is fairly moist and a cob type pavement mix. My plan is to mix clay and 1/4 " crushed rock 1:3 and apply 2" over the graded and packed gravel. I will have a border of used brick which is to end up about 1/2" higher at it's surface than the "pavement". Any loose gravel left from the paving process or applied later will be retained on the path. Does this sound doable? I may adjust the mix as I'm mixing the cob. I'm not worried about testing the mix as it shouldn't meet with any real stress. Just foot traffic. Does anyone have experience in this? Also, I am looking into stackwood to possibly add variety to at least one wall and have been gleaning any information to become more comfortable with the idea. Has anyone knowledge of a list similar to coblist for stackwood enthusiasts?? Coblist has been both entertaining and educational. Thank you all! Steve Grace and Peace, STEVE