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[Cob] cob raised beds?Amanda Peck ap615 at hotmail.comTue May 25 07:44:41 CDT 2004
I wrote my message before I read any of Joe's. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I'll try this next year! Joe wrote (snipped): Another method is to put a tire on the ground, fill it with soil and plant the potatoes within the tire. Plant two seed potatoes, whole or halved, about 2 inches deep. Once the potatoes have developed 3 or 4 inches of foliage growth, a second tire can be put on top of the first, Fill in with more soil, always leaving at least 2 inches of leaf growth above the soil level. Continue to fill as the plants grow. Once you've filled in the center of the second tire, continue the stack to a height of three or four tires. Keep in mind you must always leave about 2 inches of foliage showing. _________________________________________________________________ Stop worrying about overloading your inbox - get MSN Hotmail Extra Storage!