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[Cob] Insulation IdeaCharity Davis-Custer charitydavis at sbcglobal.netSun Mar 14 16:44:22 CST 2004
Thanks for the replies. We are in Michigan in the suburbs on the outskirts of Detroit (not to be confused with the suburbs of the suburbs of the sprawl). We are zone 5 or 6 (depending on who you ask) and we suffer from the lake effect. We get less snow than northern Michigan but we still deal with our share. I should have been more explicit I think though. The goal for the greenhouse aspect is really to facilitate seed starting in the spring (a batch indoors move them to the greenhouse and start the next batch) and extend growing time into late fall. I will not be heating the greenhouse with anything but active/passive solar design and animal warmth. If by some fluke I'm able to keep a reasonable amount of heat then I will use the space in the winter to grow cold weather crops. In the summer the space will be just used as a shed. The bunnies have an outdoor hutch so they won't be baking in the shed. I considered strawbale but I can't get straw for free. It's about a hour and a half drive to my nearest source for straw. Now I know I'll need straw for cob but that's only one small truckload for what I'll need. (mind you I have to borrow the truck too) Waste paper I can scavenge locally. I have family in the construction biz so I can get builders lime cheap and delivered to my door. And to be totally honest I'm just itching to build with cob. I was also considering only building my walls about 1' to 1' 1/2 thick. Is this too thin? Again it's the space issue. Thanks for the suggestions. I really want to do cob, I just have to figure out what's possible for my situation. Charity