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[Cob] update? cordwood cobphil phawn1 at excite.comWed Mar 3 07:55:50 CST 2004
The coalition meets tomorrow night to discuss the cob and cordwood topic. We will be working on the plan to construct the "cob-wood" portion of this families home. They already have a post and beam structure in place with a second floor in which they are now living. Our goal for the spring and early summer is to complete the cordwood first floor. We will keep things updated on our website as they progress, including the schedule of workdays and workshops. Phil Hawn, President The North Carolina Natural Building Coalition cob, strawbale, cordwood and other sustainable earthbuilding techniques --- On Wed 03/03, Copper Harding < copperharding at > wrote: From: Copper Harding [mailto: copperharding at] To: coblist at Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 22:35:14 -0800 (PST) Subject: [Cob] update? cordwood cob I have been, slowly, working my way though the<br>archives of the coblist. I came across some<br>interesting posts about corwood and cob combinations. <br>Something about one or two homes finished or going to<br>be built with hybrid methods.<br><br>I am wondering if anyone has any updates on this:<br><br>ie - has the finished house fallen down :) hopefully<br>not, but does it have termites or is it holding up (no<br>pun intended) as well as regular cob.<br><br>Has anyone finished a new hybrid home and any feelings<br>on that? or recommendations on the mix of cordwood<br>and cob?<br><br>Just curious,<br><br>Copper<br><br>=====<br>Ms. Copper Harding<br><br>__________________________________<br>Do you Yahoo!?<br>Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster<br><br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Coblist mailing list<br>Coblist at<br><br> _______________________________________________ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!