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[Cob] Re: cob as cordwood mortarShannon C. Dealy dealy at deatech.comSun Feb 22 02:50:29 CST 2004
On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Pack McKibben wrote: [snip] > My original plan for the earthbags was to use a mix I found on a "How > to build a Coracle" website. I figured if this mix would keep out water > for a boat, it would surely keep out rain. It makes one gallon and [snip] I have no idea how the mix you describe will hold up, but two things you have neglected to consider in the above is that sunlight/ultra-violet light exposure may rapidly degrade this mixture when used in to seal a structure, where used in a boat it would typically receive very little light exposure. The other possibility of concern is that the solvents in the mix may dissolve or seriously weaken the earth bags. Shannon C. Dealy | DeaTech Research Inc. dealy at | - Custom Software Development - | Embedded Systems, Real-time, Device Drivers Phone: (800) 467-5820 | Networking, Scientific & Engineering Applications or: (541) 929-4089 |