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[Cob] COB MIX DESIGNMike Swink mswink77 at earthlink.netSat Nov 22 07:55:10 CST 2003
Subject: [Cob] COB MIX DESIGN > Hello, I am new to the coblist. > I am looking into adding different materials to a cob/earthen mix and test it for durability and structural characteristics. > thoughts/comments/advice? > > Michael LaRoche > Floyd, VA I wonder if you are a student? Several things really gets me boiling mad. One is that there is so much tax paid research and that the people who needs it the most are kept from it. The late Dr. Paul Ramsey of Ga.Tech in 1970's took his field students to Mother Earth News during one summer. They were doing exactly what you desire to know. No doubt somewhere at Ga.Tech there is dusty box filled with the test results. I lived long enough to know that US grants is a way the goverment steals your hard labor. They offered me 1/4million dollars for me to experiment on one my of ideas. The fine print says they own the information and control the sale or distrubition. Maybe one day the tax laws will change and non tax produceing devices will be devolped. Mother Earth News has a new archive online Mother Earth News _ Main Index [ ] . If you look for the issue that shows the new solar boxes put up on the hendersonville offices. [1973-75??]It was during this time frame that Dr.Ramseys class was there. Also a Milo Wheel missing the most important part a fresnal lens and the help of magnets was in the basement of the offices. I never desired going back in time to live like those people. But reather a self relaint cob house that at times when I needed to do research or to reeducate my self. I look at a cob home in the country side as insurance against times of change. Or just pure fun. When I returned from europe to the usa while in service. It was so shocking that america was so young that people could build permaent homes only to have them replaced with highways etc Zeolite might be interesting. for lining vents to extract moisture etc.