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[Cob] hand protection

Lance Collins collinsl at
Thu Nov 20 00:12:38 CST 2003

Some have warned of the dangers of lime on skin and in lungs.

I'm very careful to be upwind when I'm getting lime and cement out of bags 
but I don't worry about my hands for minor jobs as I seem to have selected 
the right parents.  My skin gets a bit rough but recovers in a day or two.

When I am washing up I use a product that auto workers use to remove grease 
from their hands (it dissolves the grease and makes the dirt water 
soluable).   It also works well for removing paint.  I think there is 
lanolin in it and is does a good job of reversing the effect of the 
lime.  I don't know what this stuff is called in the US.   There are 
several brands available here and there are huge price differences between 

I hope I'm wasting bandwidth with this lotion idea but just in case...


P.S. If you have skin like my wife has then you really do need to heed the 
warnings about lime and do not do as I do.