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[Cob] SandKim West kwest at arkansas.netTue Nov 11 18:03:40 CST 2003
Do you make cob with this barefoot? If I remember correctly, the first sand that we got, the one that cut our feet, was called "concrete" sand. I had asked for coarse sand and that is what was delivered. Due to its varied particle size and the sharpness of it, I thought that it would be great for cobbing--until the feet got raw and bled. Kim ----- Original Message ----- > The rock dust I'm refering to is a by-product of crushing large rock into gravel. It is dark grey in color (at least it is here) and is anywhere from a fine powder to a course sand in size. > > Phil Hawn, President > The North Carolina Natural Building Coalition > > cob, strawbale, cordwood and other sustainable earthbuilding techniques