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[Cob] poop in compost

Marlin lightearth at
Tue Nov 4 14:18:41 CST 2003

The Humanure Handbook points out (and my experience is the same) that well composted human waste is probably ok for even DIRECT application to vegetables, especially after a bit of time to 'season' the compost even more which equates to letting the pathogens die, as there life cycle is short and specific to a particular stage of decomposition...

With that said I NEVER applied composted human waste directly to vegetables and have used the beautiful compost for fruit trees/bushes so as not to EVER run the risk of ONE pathogen surviving and polluting.

The situation you describe sounds like a anaerobic decomposition tactic (leach fields) like septic systems which are, like they sound, a nasty underground way to leach badly degrading (aerobic decomposition is very different from water-based septic), very toxic, waterborne bacteria into the ground and hope for the best. ALL of what I just described is standard practice in a CODE-approved septic system and many people get sick due to septic systems each year but they still get approved where composting toilets do not.....

The bottom line, putting "doo-doo in H2O" is a bad idea as it'll break down more effectively and safely with just the addition of carbon (sawdust, leaves etc.), as it heats up, kills pathogens (most die over time anyway if you DON't put the crap in water)...

Don't eat from over the septic system, it's created a festering mess of anaerobic pathogens that are leaching somewhere until you HOPE they die before polluting your water or food. If you compost your waste separately and then use it for compost, you;re very likely to be OK but I'd use that compost pile for non-direct eating applications - your perennials will love you!.

Hope that helps..


-----Original Message-----
From:     jenny walker <jwalker at>
Sent:     Tue, 04 Nov 2003 14:35:15 -0500
To:       <coblist at>
Subject:  [Cob] poop in compost

Hi there,

I read 'I believe' in the Cob List archives a long time ago about a family
who were getting sick a lot. They contributed this problem to eating
vegetables from the patch that grew (albeit very well) on top of their leach
field. Maybe this is a chemically different situation than adding poop to
compost. Just wondering if anyone knows if there are any health issues with
adding poop to the compost pile. I would assume that any bacteria would be
long gone by the time carrots were popping up but I ain't no scientist.


Jenny Walker


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