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[Cob] compare stonemasonry

Donna Strow dstrow at
Fri Oct 17 23:04:10 CDT 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: coblist-bounces at [mailto:coblist-bounces at]On
Behalf Of Amanda Peck
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 9:42 PM
To: coblist at
Subject: Re: [Cob] compare stonemasonry

About the foundation -- it's a slab, so it need not be widened and the
weight of the eight foot high wall is nothing that worries me (right? It's a
cement slab.)  About the flood line -- Great point!  It's either prop things
up or divert the water somehow.  Well, then there's always the borax
approach recommended by Raduzo.  Or maybe this is another reason to choose
stone, as you mentioned.

Great idea about the windows and floor.  I like it, and I have an huge


Amanda Peck replies to Strow's querry about cob vs. stonemasonry.  Many good
ideas.  I erased it to keep the file size down but it's on the list.