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[Cob] Friends of Cob: Washington DCRaduazo at Raduazo at aol.comWed Oct 15 17:19:44 CDT 2003
I had my meeting with Charlotte and we decided on a 5' x 7' children's play house. She is a little nervous about glass windows so I will probably make the main window without glass. (I hate it when vandals help to design my structures.) I started the foundation today and got the first two layers in place. I have decided on a three layer foundation consisting of a first layer of gravel, a second layer of 4" thick urbanite and third layer of 9" thick urbanite. The first two layer went on quite easily except that I did not have enough of the 4" urbanite. I have been told that urbanite is not always easy to work with, but I found it much easier to cut with ordinary stone working tools than real stone. It has no grain and cuts where you want it every time. I will be back to finish the foundation tomorrow. If there is anyone who would like to help, and learn how to use stone working tools Give me a call. I hope to begin serious cobbing on October 28. Ed Raduazo 703-360-2316 If you have never been to Green Spring Gardens Park, it is worth a visit even if you are not interested in cobbing. Take the beltway to 395 north. Drive north towards Washington and take exit 3 (I think it is 3B Little River Turnpike). Drive on Little River Turnpike for about a mile. Take a right on Braddock Road, go about 300 yards and take another right into the new Braddock Road entrance.