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Cob: Using AE>>Too much linseed oil

Taylor Publishing-DirtCheapBuilder tms at
Thu Aug 21 19:54:50 CDT 2003

Will, try painting a slurry of clay slip with asphalt emulsion ( Black 
Jack 5 gal, or Henry 107 1 gal can, brand) over a small area. the 
asphalt emulsion will dry via evaporation of water and cling to the clay 
molecules, and seal off that part.  you can try 10-40% in variations to 
see what works best, while very dark in the can the AE will turn light 
beige depending on clay color and % used.

I get a cafe 'au lait color with 20% in our local brownish clay.  You 
can also add 10% or more of lime putty in the clay slip to lighten the 
color too..and test a few.  as a thought the overall fllor could be 
painted with an AE clay mix especially in water-prone areas to protect 
it in future.

I yammer on about Jack Bays and his Rub-R-Slate recipes ( as promoted by 
Ken Kern) and the flooring sampels I have made are incredibly durable 
and pretty too...the best of an earth floor with added waterproofing and 

Will,  please let all know if you try this and it works for you.  << about 

Ms. Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
PO Box 375, Cutten   CA 95534 707-441-1632    books at