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Cob: Wood stove in cob wall?

D.J. Henman henman at
Mon May 19 00:47:23 CDT 2003

Amanda,  see my comments below:


> Got the masonry heater link opening now.  Thanks. 

I've heard that you get better performance from wood burnering if you 
have an outside source of air for the burning chamber and not use room 
air to burn the fire.

> Chinese recipe for chinking on the vertical log room we're building at 
> the end of a pole barn.    

If the Chinese recipe for a lime&paper finish are like the tranditional 
Japanese paper lime finish,  note that the recipe calls for traditional 
paper, which  is comprised of variious fibres. made from thicker and 
stronger natural fiibres.    Charmaine have you tried this out with 
modern fabricaed paper?


> ...............
> Ms Taylor wrote:
> After all a masonry stove is all clay-stone to absorb the why 
> can't a metal heater had cob up against it to absorb heat too ( 
> keeping all vents open etc) prolly voids any warrant;  but having a 
> heater in the center of the circle heating all  directions is what Rob 
> Roy's cordwood house has. and many  masonry-combo bread oven stoves 
> are in the center between the kitchen and the LR with bake oven on one 
> side and heat to LR on the other.
> I'd look at all the info at:  The Masonry 
> Heater Association of North America   Extensive online library on 
> masonry heating and   sustainable construction, great articles   and 
> contact stove builder  Norbert Snef ( at that site)
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