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Cob: rat runs in cob wallsD.J. Henman henman at Apr 22 00:02:32 CDT 2003
I agree with YunQue. Also I think the issue of rats getting in a cob wall is a non issue. I've never seen it. It is reported to happen. But I think it is extremely rare. Even in Japan with over hundreds of years of tradition with wattle and daub walls and currently an upper class form of house construction, I've never ran across and documents mentioning it. The only natural item mentioned to be careful of is termites in the main building timbers. Using broken glass is a bad brute force approach, in my opinion. From experience I can also tell you that stepping on broken glass is no fun. Yun Que wrote: > > > Cat here, this is not a good image for me some day my home will melt > away into the landscape and when it does I don't want what's left to > harm, ever dig a shard of glass out of your foot with a knife, or > maybe your horses hoof, not a good thing. > > for the good of all Cat > > >From: AOXFORDCOBBER at >Reply-To: AOXFORDCOBBER at >To: > coblist at >Subject: Cob: rat runs in cob walls >Date: Sun, > 20 Apr 2003 07:09:44 EDT > >original method of stopping rats burrowing > into cob walls is to imbed broken >glass into the first foot or so of cob > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: > <> 2 months FREE*