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Cob: Re: horse hairBill&Julie wbates at mn.rr.comSat Mar 29 06:44:41 CST 2003
Hidare,,,, I think we will find that HAIR is used in the plaster,,, not the COB itself..... bill ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brad Calvert" <bradcalv at> To: <coblist at> Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 10:02 PM Subject: Cob: horse hair > >So one day they came to a reciept for horse hair. > > Does anyone know how enough horse hair to mix with mud for an entire house > was harvested? Was straw also mixed into the mud? > > Was it mane hair and tail hair? Or just tail hair? > > How many horse tails would be needed per cubic foot of cob? > > How fast does horse tail hair grow back? > > Maybe there is an archaeological project here, DNA analysis of horse hair to > see if it came from a hundred horses or just a few... > > Does anyone know if horse hair is still commercially available for furniture > manufacture? Is it used for violin bows? > > Brad Calvert > Melbourne, Australia > >