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Cob: (no subject)AOXFORDCOBBER at AOXFORDCOBBER at aol.comSat Mar 8 16:51:24 CST 2003
the lime you want for lime wash and render is non hydrraulic lime putty. these limes are usually desdcribed as fat or lean.they are described as fat due to theplasticity and workability of the lime putty produced from slaking them. Once lime began to be adopted as the principal binder in mortars, plasters, renders and washes, the integrity of the structure improved because as non-hydraulic lime (calcium hydroxide) cures, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and slowly reverts back to calcium carbonate, which is more resistant to water erosion. The application of a lime wash, often modified by the inclusion of water-resisting agents such as tallow, raw linseed oil, animal glues, casein and even common salt, has proved very successful in further extending the life of lime render. All of the limewash variants are. to a greater or lesser degree, sacrificial. Further maintenance applications are required at regular intervals, depending on the number of initial coatings; the vulnerability of the site, and the quality of both the original material and the workmanship. The durability of non-hydraulic lime render depends on three factors. First, the quality of the lime putty which needs to have matured for at least three months after thorough slaking. Second, the aggregate should comprise of a wide range of particle sizes, equally represented throughout the range. Finally, the degree of carbonation that takes place. This will depend on temperature and moisture as well as the ability of the pore structure of the aggregate and the presence of carbon dioxide. Rapid drying out in hot weather can produce an early set with little carbonation, resulting in a weak render, which will be vulnerable to rain erosion. example mix first coat :1 lime putty 2.5 aggreate 80:20 coarse rockbeare. rockbeare 6mm rounds this coat is better when it has largish aggregate as this aids setting and bonding finish coate 1 lime putty: 2.5 aggregate hope this helps all the best al -------------- next part -------------- <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">the lime you want for lime wash and render is non hydrraulic lime putty. these limes are usually desdcribed as fat or lean.they are described as fat due to theplasticity and workability of the lime putty produced from slaking them. Once lime began to be adopted as the principal binder in mortars, plasters, renders and washes, the integrity of the structure improved because as non-hydraulic lime (calcium hydroxide) cures, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and slowly reverts back to calcium carbonate, which is more resistant to water erosion. The application of a lime wash, often modified by the inclusion of water-resisting agents such as tallow, raw linseed oil, animal glues, casein and even common salt, has proved very successful in further extending the life of lime render. All of the limewash variants are. to a greater or lesser degree, sacrificial. Further maintenance applications are required at regular intervals, depending on the number of initial coatings; the vulnerability of the site, and the quality of both the original material and the workmanship. The durability of non-hydraulic lime render depends on three factors. First, the quality of the lime putty which needs to have matured for at least three months after thorough slaking. Second, the aggregate should comprise of a wide range of particle sizes, equally represented throughout the range. Finally, the degree of carbonation that takes place. This will depend on temperature and moisture as well as the ability of the pore structure of the aggregate and the presence of carbon dioxide. Rapid drying out in hot weather can produce an early set with little carbonation, resulting in a weak render, which will be vulnerable to rain erosion. <BR> <BR> example mix<BR> first coat :1 lime putty 2.5 aggreate 80:20 coarse rockbeare. rockbeare 6mm rounds<BR> this coat is better when it has largish aggregate as this aids setting and bonding<BR> finish coate<BR> 1 lime putty: 2.5 aggregate<BR> hope this helps all the best al<BR> </FONT></HTML>