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Cob: heating air and water

Grei Raven Shadow Walker greyraven_r at
Sun Feb 16 10:22:26 CST 2003

Like a Roman hypocaust (if that's the spelling)? In
general the fire box (of a gravity system) needs to be
below the heating tubes, is your fire box going to be
in the basement?..or are you going to use a forced air
system to circulate the heated air under the floor? 

--- Chandra Shakti <moonchild1970 at> wrote:
> Well, since cob can be used for fireplaces, I have
> been considering building 
> a large masonry heater type fireplace in the center
> of the house with tubes 
> for the underfloor heating running through it.
>     Chandra
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"When I look into the abyss it stares back at me, but not as the cold 
dark beast you perceive it to be.
When I am gazed upon by the abyss I see the eyes of a mother, a lover, an old friend.
When I look into the warm familiar eyes of the abyss I see that which
needs me as much as I have need.
I remember, I rejoice, I renew!"
by Grei R. S. Walker, '01

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