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Cob: compost tempsGrei Raven Shadow Walker greyraven_r at yahoo.comFri Feb 14 08:32:19 CST 2003
I would also be interested in such data, for years I've pondered using a compost bin as a heat source (thermo-syphon hydronic style) for a small structure...or hot tub maybe. --- Darel Henman <henman at> wrote: > > Any of you out there who have aerobic composting, > > I would like to get data about the compost heap's > inner temperature > versus the outside the heap ambient temperature. > > Also how long does the compost heap burn at the > maximum temperature? > The temperature probably follows a bell shape, > gradually warming, > warmer, warmest, then on down to ambient again. > > Thanks, > Darel > ===== "When I look into the abyss it stares back at me, but not as the cold dark beast you perceive it to be. When I am gazed upon by the abyss I see the eyes of a mother, a lover, an old friend. When I look into the warm familiar eyes of the abyss I see that which needs me as much as I have need. I remember, I rejoice, I renew!" by Grei R. S. Walker, '01 __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day