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Cob: DarelJill hotmail writejill at hotmail.comThu Jan 30 11:38:07 CST 2003
what is the equipment needed? I can't seem to find it. Also, when I look at the foreign sites using "pise" the photos show hand building methods not equipment. Though I know the other link for Earth Rammed Works is machine. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Darel Henman" <henman at> To: "cob list" <coblist at> Cc: "Jill hotmail" <writejill at> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 9:40 PM Subject: Re: Cob: > Jill, > > > > Jill hotmail wrote: > > > > Granted, we all want to build our own house so these are a bit beyond > > what we would do ourselves, BUT look at these photos of what can be > > done. This pise (called pise before the word cob).... > > PISE is an abbreviation of "pneumatically installed stabilized earth", > and is not a word that predates cob or adobe. > > Anyone can use it if you have the equipment. This might be the barrier. > > Darel >