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Cob: discussion participation: was slip formed wallsCharmaine tms at northcoast.comSat Jan 18 12:30:43 CST 2003
You know it's funny that my simple comment about discussing cob is getting more discussion then actual making of cob. this leads me to wonder i f possibly there are more people new to cob who want to learn rather than ( like the straw bale group) people who are outright building? There is nothing wrong with either, but I noticed a vast difference in this list in others like Organic Architecture, and Papercrete lists where people argue hotly and share idea and mistakes more often. I am betting since cob is more labor intensive, and less "code" approved that many people haven't started a big project? Maybe we can take a show of hands of who is building and who is learning? Me, I just experiment furiously since I do hear from a lot of people who are just getting started, and ask questions about mixing materials or using alt materials, etc.I built a big cob garden bench 4 years ago, and that was a learning experience from start to finish! Patricia I wasn't aiming any comments to you directly....people are always free to lurk as far as I know..the problem with some lists of the too much shooting off of mouth with foot firmly implanted too. If this is more of a Learner/Reader group then it makes sense not to see a lot of dialog online... I just got an order from a woman in NM who built a cob house 10 years ago and NEVER knew it was called that, or that there were others doing this too...she had only one reference- Nader Khalili's book , so she called her method "piled clay", since she piled it there is a wide world of interested people out there. Charmaine >> who is sorta glad she brought this up Ms. Charmaine Taylor/ Taylor Publishing PO Box 375, Cutten (Eureka) CA 95534 707-441-1632 tms at