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Cob: Not a forum for politics

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Fri Jan 17 08:34:37 CST 2003

Replying to various people here, title is enough to give one the flavor.

Alternative building ISN'T about politics?  Ask Jill who keeps asking us 
where to build. Local politics can make all the difference.  But people in a 
nearby intentional community say that every year they see newcomers move in 
only to leave a couple of years later because they can't stand the place, 
even though codes is close onto nonexistent here.  Local politics probably 
makes a difference in their decision to leave as well. Just not zoning.

One can make the claim that hunter-gatherer lifestyles are healthier than, 
say, ours in which 60 per cent of us are fat, but you have to put so many 
"except for"'s into the statement that it comes out pretty meaningless.

Except for childbirth, complications from an accident, things that 
antibiotics work wonders for, plague, thinking that lead is a wonderful 
metal to make things out of (soft, easy to work, nice feeling), etc.

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