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Cob: Re: Tolkien never owned a television or a washing machineMike Swink mswink77 at mindspring.comWed Jan 15 19:35:59 CST 2003
Oh God they are HERE too. But honestly as I read and saw children stomping the cob mix and building huts at one of the cob sites. What could our generation could have benifited from these humble abodes, to rent or escape to in times of change . It is endless what a person can benifit from such simple dwellings. Not to mention the self confindence that could come from building one at the young age when kids are full of selfess desire and energy that would create thier own if only directed. I guess there is a little hobbit in our make up. And we do dream of a slower pace of life in this world where people THINK that everything should happen in a nano sec but in reality trees still take almost a decade to thier prime harvest of pecan etc. And nine months for other things to begin. I seen a lot of rug rats this past december. And there is a wisdom in that they come into this world one step at a time. Imagine a hobbit comeing here today? He would just kill over the first time he was placed on the streets of a large city.. Guess wars and all the horrors of the past still happen today sad. Peoples nature is seen like a reflection of a mirror of what they build . I hope like in the movie I watched that people will ponder these words. "We live in the world we create". Hope a few hobbit souls will survive.