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Cob: where in the US for cobYun Que yunk88 at hotmail.comThu Jan 9 00:46:46 CST 2003
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV> <P><BR><BR></P> <DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P><BR><BR></P></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV></DIV> <P><BR><BR></P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P>Hi Jill, Cat here</P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P>I'm in WV the hills are made of clay and sandstone but like Tennessee it's spotty one place has got red clay another, gray, another dirt. Solar in WV is a little iffy too. We get as they say lots of weather!! So solar may need to be backed up with something else. Some in the area are doing it with success. This state also has little in the way of building codes. In fact they don't seem to have any in the hills! If you need a mortgage then the banks get you to do all the to do's for resale, but if you got your place and you want to put something up, one can just build and the only restriction is to get electric the wiring has to meet the power companies inspection. You can do it yourself or have a professional do it, doesn't seem to matter to them. </P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P>Had the D.N.R. up to my place to check out a site for a pond. They took a little plug driller thing and spot checked the area for clay, since clay is imperative to hold the water. My new pond site was a go, but this blessing has it's short side in that the land won't perk. No septic unless one is willing to shell out 10K. So depending on who you are and who you talk to and who referred you depends on weather the septic system goes in a 2-3K The law of the good ol boy, get it? I got my place with an out house and since no mortgage no one bothered me. Composting toilet was my solution however it seemed to be allot of mess and maintenance and never quite worked the way the manual said, so now its a bucket the sun the wind and the rain. I am a vegetarian so my waste is less toxic than a carnivore, or so I have read. Found some great weeds that grow here that like the manure pile they call them Poke weed. Also strategizing a gray water waste system that uses cat tails and iris as a natural purifier. </P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P>It's a big world Jill and so many options! My offering is look for a place that feels right rent for a year so that you can get to know the lay of the land and the <STRONG>people</STRONG>. For me the culture shock of coming from wine country CA to the hills of WV was almost a disaster!! I am into herbs and not chemicals so no Prozac just did allot of screaming and cursing at everything in sight for a while. Oh yes almost forgot, the land is unusually cheap here. I got my place for $300 hill $500 bottom. It is still that way in some areas. It is going up now since the towers fell, lots of transplants. Also if you are not comfortable with guns and hunting this is not a good place to be. This has been one of my greatest difficulties. Early on I felt it was necessary to ask several hunters to leave my farm at gun point. The runner up is the rather backward attitude about where a womyns place should be.............................. !! I'm totally serious here. I had some fellows putting in a gas line and I showed them where I wanted it to be run. They smiled and yes'umed and then put it where they wanted to put it. After several discussions with them and half a day I called a man friend to come up and have a talk with the boy's. It has taken 8 years to get them to understand that I am a little different and to be accepted, well almost! Hope this helps a little in your quest.</P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <P>For the good of all Cat<BR></P> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>From: "Jill" <WRITEJILL1 at COX.NET> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: "Jill" <WRITEJILL1 at COX.NET> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>To: <COBLIST at DEATECH.COM> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>Subject: Cob: where in the US for cob <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 13:30:18 -0800 <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>Where in the US are the BEST conditions for cob building and alternative power, such as solar? We hope to find a place that the soil is conducive to cob building. <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV>>Thanks! Jill <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a href="">get 2 months FREE*</a> </html>