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Cob: Cob--window installation

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Sat Dec 28 08:59:53 CST 2002

Shannon may repost something I screwed up and sent privately, but,

Consider Storm Windows.

Salvaged windows are great because they are usually the kind that open and 
close.  But they're single pane, which is why they are available.

Storm windows could be put in after the first year. One could use either the 
aluminum kind that screw onto the same frame as the original windows and 
open as single hung windows, usually with a screen at the bottom, or the 
ones that hang on hooks outside the house, and you get to change the screen 
frames to the glass ones seasonally.

And if it turned out you didn't need them....

I've had both in various houses, the manufactured ones did have weep holes 
for moisture transfer.

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