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Cob: Another Question

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Fri Dec 6 07:59:23 CST 2002

Nope, that is Evans, Smiley and Smith. Get your library to get it, buy it 
might be better, but....  It does not replace Becky Bee, but there's a lot 
more information in it.  It's possible that even with three of you the book 
might help you to go smaller than 512 square feet.  Evans and Smiley are 
reputed to live in well under two hundred s.f.  Personally I find 200 in a 
travel trailer with dogs and cats pretty tiny, but a lot of it is layout.  

Christopher Alexander's A Pattern Language might be a help. But I've always 
found it exciting and fascinating but nearly impossible to implement.  I've 
talked to people who thought otherwise.  That's a library one, because it's 
horrendously expensive.  There is a web-site:

A year ago it was pretty easy to navigate and extremely useful.  As far as I 
can tell, it's now nearly impossible--always under construction, I can't 
find the small simple house section any more.  But he does like sleeping 
alcoves, places to sit in the sun, and centers for rooms.  There is a newer 
set of (equally horrendously expensive) books.  Some of the co-writers from 
A Pattern Language have a new and very pretty book out.  Nice, but the 
examples are decidedly not bare-bones design.  I'd look at any book (with 
the exception of the Evans, Smiley, et al) hard before I spent lots of money 
on it.

Kim asked if the Hand Sculpted house was:
"Becky Bee's book, The Cob Builders Handbook, and have found it very useful. 
Is the book you mentioned that same book or another?"

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