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Cob: winter work on wattle and daub by a neophyteMyra Bonhage-Hale lapaix at iolinc.netSat Oct 12 08:31:34 CDT 2002
Hydrated lime is not used for organic gardening and is on the no-no list because of its chemically derived state. So, iit might be OK to use for lime plaster but if you are chemically sensitive like me, I would highly recommend that you wear a mask and be very careful about getting in your pores as you work. Namaste. Myra P.S. Dolometic lime is what is preferred in organic gardening. Visit me on the web at and ----- Original Message ----- From: "Amanda Peck" <ap615 at> To: <aasuter at>; <Coblist at> Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 7:43 AM Subject: Re: Cob: winter work on wattle and daub by a neophyte > > > You may have to ORDER your lime. You want hydrated lime, not the crushed > limestone that the Co-op has. I've occasionally found small quantities of > hydrated lime in hardware stores (to quickly quickly quickly de-acidify your > soil--buck a pound in two pound bags) or in grocery stores (pickling > lime--probably even more). There's supposed to be a place in Memphis that > still carries it, so if you're not too far from, say Mayfield, that might > work. I need to find the name of that place again, and call them (I'm in > Tennessee, near the Alabama border). The big lime plants will sell you > small--for them, like 40 pounds--quantities. I expect shipping is > exhorbitant. > > You're brave. I'm headed into my third winter in a travel trailer on my > land. > > Ruth Datooth (aka Anna) wanted to know about lime, so she can get her house > more or less organized before winter. > Subject: Cob: winter work on wattle and daub by a neophyte > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > >