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Cob: Flooded Cob story & Sergio Andrade-ChileCharmaine R Taylor tms at northcoast.comFri Jul 12 11:16:03 CDT 2002
Biil C said: The project was at Rainbow Ranch, just south of Austin TX. The property is owned by a local enviro nonprofit, (Dr.) Yvonne Hansen (yvonhansen at YES....that's who it was...Yvonne had some nice photos of the structure...too bad it be gone.... ++++++++++++ and for the folks who were searching for Sergio Andrade, Chilean builder photos, here is a site of the cafe & pub he built...fabulous photos of the site and its contruction..all in Spanish...but the pics tell the story. Go to the CONSTRUCTION photos sergio andrade Ms. Charmaine Taylor/ Taylor Publishing PO Box 375, Cutten (Eureka) CA 95534 707-441-1632