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Cob: UPCOMING COB BUILDING WORKSHOPS NEAR CORVALLIS, OREGONOcean ocean at intabas.comWed Jul 3 05:21:17 CDT 2002
UPCOMING COB BUILDING WORKSHOPS NEAR CORVALLIS, OREGON Learn Cob with Ocean, Perry, Jill & Kiko! Weekend Workshop, July 26, 27, 28 Seven-Day Intensive, August 11-17 ----------------- Here's the Blurb: ----------------- "What is COB?!" A mixture of clay, sand and straw which hardens like soft concrete to create sound, organic, healthy buildings, garden walls, ovens...the possibilities are endless! This traditional building technique has been used for centuries throughout Western Europe, even in extremely rainy climates similar to Oregon. Recent local cob projects include the Garden Kiva retreat space at Ahimsa Sanctuary and the beautiful cob-walled courtyard and wood-fired earthen oven at Intaba's Kitchen in Corvallis. Participants will learn the basics of cob construction with instruction and guidance from Ocean, owner and builder of Intaba's Kitchen and the Garden Kiva; Perry Uber, journeyman builder and Head Apprentice at Ahimsa Sanctuary; Jill Lorenzini, an experienced natural builder from Arizona; and Kiko Denzer, sculptor of Intaba's Kitchen and author of the book "Build Your Own Earthen Oven". The Weekend Workshop will cover basic cob construction, sculpture and plastering. The 7-day Intensive will detail the construction of a small guest cottage, including siting, design, foundation, walls and wooden features (windows, lintels etc.) Participants of both the Workshop and Intensive will receive wonderful gourmet vegetarian meals from Intaba's Kitchen. Intensive guests will also camp at Ahimsa Sanctuary on 25 acres of coastal rainforest and enjoy hydrotherapy in Ahimsa's wood-fired sauna and hot tub. Come expecting to work and play hard, make lasting friendships, dance and drum when the day's labor is done! -------------- WORKSHOP COSTS -------------- Fees cover food costs, instructor fees, and camping. Net proceeds will support the peacemaking education projects of Ahimsa Sanctuary. Weekend Workshop $95-145/person 7-Day Intensive $350-475/person Work exchange is offered for multiple family members or those commited to a sustainable, low-impact lifestyle. ------------- INFO/REGISTER ------------- Call Ocean at 541-929-7564 or email to ocean at ---------------------------- ===== Visit Intaba's Kitchen, the newest restaurant in Corvallis! Our website features daily specials, events, photos & more-- And visit Ahimsa Sanctuary, our retreat center in the beautiful Oregon coast range, dedicated to nonviolence-- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free