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Cob: Re: Blue claytoswink toswink at mindspring.comSun Apr 28 02:01:39 CDT 2002
you can have it tested. some clay is blue and has nothing to do with oil from us. In south georgia clay colors if natural tell people were there is other minerals. In one wall where the indians from the past used to make bowls there were blue red and green layers. if it is from oil I guess you must decide how to break it down. comfrey and other plants can convert clay into rich black soil. IF toxic i guess I would see if it could be dried out and then used. county extension office and state labs can take core samples and tell not only if there is toxics but what plants and trees are looking for so take photos of your plants and they will help you with many things. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Greyraven Shadowalker" <greyraven_r at> To: "Cob list" <coblist at> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 2:36 AM Subject: Cob: Blue clay > I have what is apparently known (at-least in this > area, N.E. Ohio) as "blue" clay, again as I've been > informed locally the clay is blue from oil content. > I have speculative concerns as to the health and > functionality of creating, and dwelling in, a home > comprise of oil laden clay. > Are my suspisions well founded or not? > Is the oil content of "blue" clay a petroleum > infiltration, or am I'm dealing with some sort of > flora secretions, or even a "wive's tale"? > Any insight or assistance with my query will be > greatly appreciated. I am eager to begin construction > of my little cottage, however I fear that > constructing with an oil rich clay might not provide a > solid and heathful structure. > Blessed be, > Grey > > > ===== > "When I look into the abyss it stares back at me, > but not as the cold dark beast you perceive it to be. > When I am gazed upon by the abyss I see the eyes of a > mother, a lover, an old friend. > When I look into the warm familiar eyes of the abyss > I see that which needs me as much as I have need. > I remember, I rejoice, I renew!" > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness > >