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Cob: Stone foundation, distance from trees

Miranda Sterling miranda at
Thu Apr 25 21:22:04 CDT 2002

I have been wondering about this too.  Where I live, the ground is mostly 
limestone, with very little actual topsoil.  There are scrub oaks and 
juniper aplenty.  Once I remove these, do I have to do something radical to 
get rid of the roots?

Do you need much of a foundation when the ground is mostly stone?


At 08:32 PM 4/25/2002 -0500, Kerry S Tebbetts wrote:

>First of all, I just want to say "thanks" for all the great advice and
>info.  This is great.
>I'm also wondering how far from the surrounding trees should I build my
>stone foundation.  These are pretty big oaks mainly.  I had read
>somewhere that you have to be careful of tree roots invading your
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