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Cob: steel frame ideasj. gann jmygann at yahoo.comWed Mar 13 10:40:46 CST 2002
Not sure if we are talking about a shelter or fancy expensive home. Most cob structures seem to be simple shelters. For some simple light gauge steel frames check out : also do a google search for "steel frame kits" ,and "steel carports". A steel carport 20'x 30' runs arround $2000, less if you just get the frame. These can be "staked" to the earth and may even come with engineering. --- Kristina Buss <kristina at> wrote: > I asked specifically about a cob house not a straw > bale. I'm not sure how > straw bale entered into the discussion. I would > think insulation would not > be a problem as the COB would completely surround > the steel. I did find a > steel frame company that will do a custom frame or > you can choose from their > ready-made plans. They even have pricing on > packages. > > > > My question is how the foundation would work. I > would think the steel frame > requires a concrete foundation (or crawl space but, > for cob, slab would be > seem the only choice). How would that work with the > requirements for the > cob? > > My design idea would be like an island style house > with a 8 ft. covered > porch around the house. All rooms would have doors > opening out to the porch > (we are building in Texas so heat is more of an > issue than cold). That would > protect the walls from erosion. I cannot get any of > the books on cob (I am > currently overseas) so I'm not sure how all this > would work technically. I > have only read everything I can find on the > internet. I would like to do it > this way so that I could have as much done as > possible before starting on > the walls. Time is an issue for us as we are > stateside only for a short > time. > > reply to kristinabuss at > > > > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!