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Cob: Re: FW: Steel Frame?

toswink toswink at
Mon Mar 11 16:31:52 CST 2002

If I understood you correctly that you have a building which is supported by
steel. Then the strawbales are not load bearing but for only insulation. I
would not think there is any problem.
 If you are looking for design tech to help create a plan,then I suggest you
do a web search via google on steel frame houses.
I have a friend who is disabled and he was able to put most of his house up
because it came as a kit drill and screws and a lot of extra feet and hands
 I would think many pre fab mfg would jump on helping you create a
strawbale. It is the wave of the future for sure.

> On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Kristina Buss wrote:
>  Anybody know if it is possible to do cob over a steel frame with the roof
> already up? I know it is ok with post and beam but steel would be less
> expensive, use recycled material, and have less waste. Anybody tried it?
> Kristina
>  kristinabuss at