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Cob: Solar Panels-CheapSANCO Enterprises, LLC chansey at earthlink.netFri Mar 8 08:01:03 CST 2002
List Members, Can anyone use these solsr panels? Current bid price is $3.00 each. Sale closes March 12, 2002 SOLAR ENERGY PANELS, SOLARA, MDL TC-1LB, EST 120 EA IN LOT; COPPER ABSORBER PLATE, 34" X 94 1/2" X .0035"SOLDERED CONTINUOUSLY TO FLOW TUBES; ABSORBER SURFACE COATING, BLACK CHROMIUM ON NICKEL PLATING; A = .935, E = .10; COPPER FLOW TUBES, 150 PSI MAX. PRESSURE, 17 TUBES 3/8" X .013" WALL BRAZED TO HEADER PIPES; GLAZING, 3/16" TEMPERED HIGH CLARITY GLASS W/TRANSMISSION OF .891; CASE, 24 GAUGE G-90 GALVANIZED STEEL; COPER HEADERS, 1 1/8" OD X .032" WALL 150 PSI MAX. PRESSURE; INSULATION, FIBERGLASS BATT; GLAZING RETAINER; GASKET; GROMETS, (USED), (W59XQG20280001). Property Location and Custodian Information: US Army Corps Of Engineers Tri-Lake Project Office/Omaha Dist. 9307 South Platte Canyon Rd. Littleton,CO 80128-6901 Contact: Carl Voss Phone:720-276-5299 fax:303-979-0602 For additional inquiries about payment and pickup of this item(s), contact: GSA, FSS, 7FP-8 P.O. Box 25506 DFC, Bldg.41 Denver, CO 80225-0506 Phone: 303-236-7735 FAX: 303-236-7544 GSAAuctions.RockyMountain at GSA.GOV SANCO Enterprises, LLC Paul Salas, General Manager P.O. Box 45741 Rio Rancho, NM 87174 (505) 238-1485 chansey at