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Cob: Newspaper Jelly Roll LogsRobertCCardwell at RobertCCardwell at aol.comSat Jan 26 17:42:16 CST 2002
Take earth, clay, sand, and water has if mixing adobe. Make a little more plastic than usual. Take one full newspaper sheet. Folded down the seamed middle. Lay on ground. Take a trowel of mixture, plop in the middle. Spread out even, avoiding four inches from all edges. Roll up into a tight log, fold the ends under and apply a rubber band to each end to keep in place. Toss in your wheel barrow. Repeat till you get a fair number of logs. Take to the wall you are building and lay like cord wood masonery while using your mix has mortar. Apply several layers of earth stucco to the finished walls. You end up with walls more than one foot thick. Just some more ramblings. BC