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Cob: Data PleaseDarel Henman henman at Jan 24 23:39:32 CST 2002
I like to get some information from you experienced cobbers. I am trying to get some figures together about the distribution of time required in building with cob. Assume that the proper soil has been selected and ready at site, along with good quality straw already cut and ready to go. Procedure (i think) for each of the below steps what is the approximate time required. 1. Basic mix... mix soil and straw with some water ( time required approx ) 2. From into cobs ( time required approx ) 3. Apply it to the wall being built ( time required approx ) Do you only mix enough cob mix that will be used on the given day or make enough for several days use. I trying to think of a way to speed up the process. One delaying item, I understand is that you can't build up to much on a given day and must stop till the next day to continue. Darel