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Cob: cob/ thermalMassBill&Julie wbates at mn.rr.comFri Jan 18 16:25:32 CST 2002
Hello Chris,,,, * smiles * To be frank, I am still in the engineering stage. That is engineering ways to convince my wife it would be a good idea. The word "any",,, I figure 10 to 20% energy savings just in orientation and design. That would be with no expense above the normal cost of building. As fas as anything active solar, I have not consided anything on those lines.But I would be open to see the real bottom line, expense verses savings. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Moss" <chris at> To: "Bill&Julie" <wbates at> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 3:08 PM Subject: Re: Cob: cob/ thermalMass > Bill & Julie, > > Are you using any solar in your COB application? > > > Warm Regards, > > Christopher Moss > Sales Associate > Solatron Technologies Inc. > " Bringing the power of the sun to you at down to earth prices " > > chris at > Tel: (909) 877-8978 - Ext: 101 > Tel: (888) 647-6527 - Ext: 101 (Orders Only) > Personal eFAX: 1-(520) 962-7228 > ICQ# 120577281 > AIM Name: SolatronSales > eBay user id: solatron_technologies > > Our company is powered by: > > 100% Green power from the sun! > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Bill&Julie" <wbates at> > To: "cob:" <coblist at> > Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 6:17 AM > Subject: Re: Cob: cob/ thermalMass > > > > *smiles* Everyone and especially Ocean,,, Again Smiles,,, > > > > Where I was trying to go with that brain fart, was to try to get > > a grip on the theoretical Null point. That would be the one of,